To the party having the right of rescission, it is of prospect contract; but to the other party, it is valid contract and still has a binding force of a normal contract. 即对有撤销权的一方当事人来说,合同属效力待定;而对另一方当事人来说,则属有效合同,对其仍有正常合同的约束力。
Understanding and Application of the Creditor Right of Rescission 债权人撤销权的理解和适用
Although it provides the legal basis for the creditor to exercise its right of rescission, it is only applicable in the preservation of debts arising from contracts. 其虽为债权人行使撤销权提供了法律上的依据,但仅仅适用于合同债权的保全。
Part Six: The Exercise and Effect of the Right of Rescission. 第六部分,破产撤销权的行使与效果。
Meanwhile, grasping the spirit and principles of contract law will help to improve the comprehension and applying of the right of rescission. 而对合同法基本精神和原则的把握又有利于深化对撤消权制度具体规定的理解和准确运用。
Exercise of Right of Rescission& Redressment for Misimpression of Meaning 论撤销权的行使&对意思表示错误之救济
The formal value of fundamental breach of contract lies in its restriction of the right of contract rescission. The substantial significance lies in balancing of the interests between the defaulting party and non-defaulting party. 根本违约规则的形式价值在于限制合同解除权,实质意义在于平衡违约方与非违约方之间的利益及社会利益。
It ′ s necessary to distinguish these different meanings, functions and applying of the right of rescission, which will be advantageous to grasp the spirit and principles of our contracts law; 对撤消权作必要的区分,分析其性质、功能和行使上的特点,有利于从总体上理解合同法的精神和原则。
The second section is about the design of the substantive system. It includes the free capital system, personal bankruptcy, compound right system, debt relief system, the void action of bankruptcy and the right of rescission. 第二部分为实体性制度,分别涉及自由财产制度、人格破产与复权制度、破产免责制度、破产无效行为和撤销权制度,第三节为个人破产犯罪。
To the party having the right of rescission, it is of prospect contract; 即对有撤销权的一方当事人来说,合同属效力待定;
The reasons for delay in performance can not be used as compliance with the statutory right to terminate the Korean civil law, by analogy, apply to debt breach of duty, the general terms and for the case of rescission. 韩国民法规定了迟延履行与履行不能作为发生法定解除权的原因,而对于其他发生契约解除的情形通过类推适用债务不履行责任的一般条款来实现。
The dissolving of the labor contract system is the labor law the employing unit and laborer interest important component, especially employers no-fault unilaterally terminate, is the employer shall exercise the right of rescission embodiment. 劳动合同解除制度是劳动法学中有关用人单位和劳动者利益的重要组成部分,尤其是用人单位的无过错单方解除,是用人单位依法行使解除权的体现。
At last, the author concludes that we should re-understand the legal rescission right from the perspective of economic benefits, utilizing the idea of cost accounting to determine whether or not it constitutes the abuse of the rescission right. 再次,笔者最后提出应当从经济效益出发重新认识法定解除权,运用成本核算理念来判断是否构成解除权的滥用。
Chapter Two The Development, Evolvement and System Review of the Rescission right of contract. This chapter aims to streamline and dissect the evolvement of the rescission right of contract system and its manifestation in laws among different countries. 第二章、合同解除权之制度演变与规范考察该章对合同解除权制度的演化及其在各国法中的表现进行了集中的梳理和剖析。
The words and deeds of the insurers make the rational insured according to appearance judge that the insurers know themselves having the right of rescission or other defense causes existed, the reliance of the insured is reasonable. 即保险人的言行使理性的被保险人从外观上就能够判断保险人知晓自己有解除权或其他抗辩事由的存在,则被保险人的信赖是合理的。
However, the various policy options, including the guaranteed interest rate, dividend rights, right of rescission, investment account switch rights, irregular premium rights, are not evaluated, and not even being considered in the ratemaking process. 而对于保单中的各种选择权,包括保底利率、分红权、解约权、投资账户转换权、不定期保费等权利,则不进行评估,更不进入费率厘定过程。
In order to balance the interests between the parties, the law also gives people the right of interpellation and the right of rescission. 为平衡当事人之间的利益,法律还赋予相对人以催告权和撤销权。
The first segment discusses several problems of the exercise of the rescission right, these problems are as follows: the way of exercise of the rescission right and the right of dissent, the exercise of the rescission right in the third party beneficiary contract. 第一节针对解除权行使中的若干问题进行论述,包括解除权与异议权的行使方式,为第三人利益合同中的解除权行使问题。
There are mainly two types. One is the termination of the right protected by the advance registration because of contract rescission, mixture, discharge or the other items. 主要有两类:(1)预告登记所保全的权利因撤销,契约解除、混同、清偿或其他事项而消灭。
The treaty exit right in the practice of treaty law is analogous to the derogation right of customary international law and the rescission right of contract in domestic private law. 条约法实践中的条约退出权类似于国际习惯法的背离权与国内私法领域的合同解除权。
So the right of bankruptcy rescission is not only an important part of the bankruptcy code, and plays a vital role in bankruptcy law. 故破产撤销权不仅是破产法的重要组成部分,而且在破产法中有着举足轻重的作用。
As the Contract law places more emphasis on fundamental default objective of contract rescission during its system establishment, the right of contract rescission is deemed as a kind of right of formation. 正因为《合同法》在制度的构建中过于强调合同解除的不可抗力和根本违约目的,所以将合同的解除权定性为一种形成权。
Secondly, regarding the procedures of performance of the rescission right of contracts, it introduces the exercising party, the way and the limit of the performance of the rescission right of contracts. 其次,对于合同解除权行使的程序性规定,主要介绍了解除权行使的主体、方式以及限制。
Secondly, illustrates the right of bankruptcy rescission of our bankruptcy law, analyses the cause of the problem in practice. 其次,就我国破产撤销权的法律规定运用相关法学理论进行了深入阐释,并就破产撤销权在实践中产生的争议、问题予以分析。
However, the current enterprise bankruptcy law of China on the right of bankruptcy rescission involves only the few terms, its regulations are too principle, compared with foreign mature legislative cases also has the big gap. 然而,我国现行《中华人民共和国企业破产法》关于破产撤销权的规定仅涉及为数不多的几个条款,其规定过于原则,与国外成熟的立法例相比还存在较大的差距。
The right of bankruptcy rescission regulate the behavior of various escape debts, protect the lawful rights and interests of creditors so as to ensure the realization of the function of the system. 破产撤销权有利于规制各种逃债行为,保护债权人的合法权益,从而保障破产制度功能的实现。